Welcome to our latest version of Miskatonic University which we have named “Miskatonic 4.0”. Miskatonic University has been online since 1996 and with each passing age of internet standards, Miskatonic evolves. You are currently browsing the latest version of Miskatonic University which has features and a foundation that’s very different from anything we’ve had before.
New features for Miskatonic 4.0:
- Members have icons/images
- Password features available
- Consolidated News Area
- Better User Experience
- Elegant early Americana theme
- New Submissions area: Expeditions, Classes, Departments
- New Class descriptions. We have re-written all the copy for our classes in order to best fit an early 1920’s theme.
- Internationalization
- New Volunteer efforts
- Lovecraft Book Fund
Best of all – anyone can join Miskatonic University for free. Early versions of Miskatonic allowed members to join the site only as Alumni, Faculty and Trustee where as now we have a new status – Student. By joining Miskatonic University, you join as a Student for free. If you wish to see yourself listed as an Alumni or more and would like a printed certificate of your career at Miskatonic, then that’s when you pay.
What can you do on this website
Logged in users
You’ll notice now that your name is on the top right above Campus News when you login. By clicking on your name you edit your image icon, your Studies, year graduated and you can add personal thoughts such as your favorite H.P. Lovecraft quote or tale.
We did this because we want to expand our membership base and we hope that new members join to learn about the latest news about Lovecraft on the web and join our team of misfits on facebook, google+ and others.
You can enroll and add:
- Your photo
- Your department
- Add the year you’re going to graduate
- Add Campus activities
- Order your diploma
- Contribute images and stories of fiction and have them added to our Expeditions
- Join the Miskatonic Squids and get a commemorative glass
- Join our team and submit H.P. Lovecraft related articles for the Miskatonic Inquisitor
- Join our Facebook Group
- Receive our newsletter and be on top of our latest reviews
It’s because of you this website is free and google-ad free.
It’s because of wonderful fans like you that we can offer so great a website resource as Miskatonic University. Our early patrons contributed to make MIskatonic what it is today. All the money that has been paid to Miskatonic for membership and the commemorative diplomas and products has been re-invested in this website as an artistic outlet to fellow Lovecraft fans. Miskatonic University has grown as a resource for years and we’ll continue adding more yearly to make this a wonderful little niche of the internet dedicated to Lovecraft’s vision and work.
Have some constructive criticism? Have your ordered a diploma and have something to share? Let us know.