Orne Library

The three story building known as the Orne Library is a replacement to the former structure by the same name that was destroyed in 1878 of circumstances that not everyone is clear on. It currently contains the entire Orne collection and over 400,000 books, some of which are more rare than any contained in the libraries at Cambridge or Boston. The contents of the Library are from a wide variety including modern reference materials to obscure tomes held within the Special Collections or artifacts in the Vault. Some of these documents pertain to old New England controversies such as the Salem Witch Trials. You will usually find student help in the halls of the Library as students take jobs offered by the administration.

Audio Collections - contains various H.P. Lovecraft audio-books
Video Collections - generated by Lovecraft based videos on the web
Special Collections
- contains listing of Forbidden Tomes and links to popular e-books based on them (if available).

Library Administrators

Dr. Henry Armitage, Director of the Orne Library
-Librarian and Scholar  age 65
-Specializes in Cryptography, Debate, European Liturature, and Languages
-Office: 512 Orne

Ms. Asenath Waite, Chief Law Librarian
-age 32
-Specializes in Law & Legal Reference

Mrs. Diane Loring, Reference Librarian
-age 50
-Specializes in Latin and French

Library Staff

  • Margaret Green
  • David Victoria
  • Joe the Shelver
  • Napolean (the watchdog)

Volumes in this part of the Orne Library are under special supervision of the staff and are protected from fire, theft, and human carelessness. Access to the Special Collections area of the Library are under permission of the administrators and all requests of works contained in the special collections must be asked for by specific title of tome or work. Professors always have first call on anything held in the collections.

The Exhibit

The Vault contains items either purchased or donated to MU. The most interesting items are usually those that have been found by the MU staff in their expeditions all around the world. Most of these artifacts contain high significance in their relative areas and some are even rumored to hold strange dweomors. There held in the Vault for private display and study.

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