Seeking Faculty Members

Faculty Members

Miskatonic University is looking for fans of H.P. Lovecraft to become Faculty Members. You will be a video hunter for us, combing the web/youtube for interesting videos to share on our channel and our website. As a Faculty Member, you will apply for a given department using the form of 4 simple questions below. Consider yourself a subject matter hunter hired by the university to help build its curriculum. You will be credited for your work on our website. Ready, Doctor? Let's get started:

What we need if you are selected:

  • Candidate will provide video playlists on one of the departments in either: Liberal Arts or Sciences.
  • Provide a 90 word description of the department (if needed).
  • Create a playlist of 10 videos urls on a given subject from Youtube including:
    • 4 videos as introductions of the department that are actually about the subject
    • The remaining videos should be on interesting views of the subject. If you can make them thematic of miskatonic-university and the Cthulhu mythos, even better.
    • Add Miskatonic University as a collaborator for the Playlist
    • Transfer ownership / Move playlist from your account
    • You can submit up to 18 videos

What you get:

  • Added as Faculty Member to and granted Author privileges for future articles/contributions.
  • Attributed as author of the Department curriculum on the department page.
  • Paid $10 USD (paid via paypal)

How to get the job:

  • Fill out the form below and choose the department
  • Wait for approval email with url submission form
  • After the department is granted to you:
    • 1 round of revisions meaning if some URLs are not applicable, they will be mentioned and you will have to resubmit videos in place of those rejected.
    • Assuming approval, you get paid via paypal
    • Your Faculty Membership will be processed in 5 business days


  1. Consider for the videos you are submitting as your selections should be engaging (for example: a 10-min beginners guide to Physics is good, a 1-hour lecture about a particular area of physics is bad)
  2. If you can tie it into the occult - you have an even better chance of getting selected (for example: Physics and they apply to flying Star Vampires and other Eldrich Horrors)
  3. For 1 video selection - if there is a lovecraft movie that references the subject - add it! (for example, submitting From Beyond for your choice for the Physics dept because of the Resonator device).