Seeking Book Hunters

Faculty Members: Book Hunters

Miskatonic University is looking for fans of H.P. Lovecraft to become Faculty Members: Book Hunters. You will be a book hunter for us, combing the web/youtube for interesting videos to share on our channel and our website. As a Faculty Member, you will apply for a given department using the form of 4 simple questions below. Consider yourself a subject matter hunter hired by the university to help build its curriculum. You will be credited for your work on our website. Ready, Doctor? Let's get started:

What we need if you are selected:

  • You will provide the information needed for the book of your choice following these models: Necronomicon - Book of the Dead and The Dunwich Horror
  • Provide a 150 original word description of the Book (not plagiarized)
  • Provide an excerpt of the book if available of no less than 250 words, if available. If the book does not really exist, this step can be skipped.
  • Provide 1-3 images of an example of the book - must include credits including original author/url
  • Candidate will provide video playlists if videos are available on Youtube
  • Provide a list of movies (simple search on that shows movies where the text is mentioned. User must provide the titled ID (
  • If the book exists, 1-3 links to where the book may be purchased.

What you get:

  • Added as Book Hunter in the Expeditions section on and granted Author privileges for future articles/contributions.
  • Attributed as author of the Book page.
  • Paid $10 USD (paid via paypal)

How to get the job:

  • Fill out the form below
  • Wait for approval email with url submission form
  • After the book is granted to you:
    • 1 round of revisions meaning if some text / URLs are not applicable, they will be mentioned and you will have to resubmit in place of those rejected.
    • Assuming approval, you get paid via paypal
    • Your Faculty Membership will be processed in 5 business days


  1. Consider for the videos you are submitting as your selections should be engaging, have a high view/like/engagement count
  2. If there is a Lovecraft movie that references the subject - add it! (for example, submitting From Beyond for your choice for the Physics dept because of the Resonator device).