
The Music Department aims to develop an appreciation of music amongst the entire student body at Miskatonic University, as well as to offer conservatory level training to those pursuing careers as professional musicians.  To these ends, the department offers introductory courses in music history and music appreciation designed for even the most novice student of musical arts, as well as advanced coursework in musicology, composition theory, and conducting.  All students pursuing music as their main course of study are required to take a one-hour private lesson in their main instrument each week.  In addition, students are expected to acquire, through private lessons on or off campus, a minimum level of proficiency in a second instrument as a requirement for graduation.  Miskatonic’s music ensembles, Concert Choir and Orchestra, are open to students in all fields of study.  Auditions for the both Concert Choir and Orchestra are held annually at the beginning of each Fall semester.

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